An 8-part documentary series for BBC2 and BBC4
The Royal Hospital Chelsea has for three centuries been an all-male institution. This is the place some of our bravest soldiers end their days; their final posting in the best old folk’s home in the country.
Transmitted as an 8 x 30 mins series (6 minute clip above).
The Observer: ‘Every now and then a documentary series comes along which takes you by surprise. All manner of emotions from loneliness to the joy of companionship in old age. Touching, tender and among the most moving things on television this week.’
Series Directed & Filmed by Amanda Richardson
Edited by Nikki Clemens
Under Licence © BBC Television
Assistant Producer/Sound: Polly Greetham
Narrator: James Puddephatt
Archive: Imperial War Museum & Footage Farm
Executive Producer: Simon Ford